About Dodgy Business

Dodgy Business was established in response to the substantial number of businesses offering bad products, poor services, misleading or ripping off customers yet getting away with it. It arose out of a desire to provide consumers with an online forum to air their concerns and warn others. In New Zealand there is strong consumer protection and awareness of consumer rights, but despite that, many people still have bad experiences. Often, those experiences find their way onto television shows. But for every story that makes it that far, there are many other smaller matters that don’t get a public airing.


We know that Kiwi businesses usually treat their customers really well, but we also know that there are always a few bad apples out there. If we can expose those bad apples, make a permanent record of them online and help consumers avoid getting sucked in, then we are doing something worthwhile.

We can’t promise you any financial remuneration (at least, not yet) but if you are still reading this you’re probably not bothered by that.

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is to provide consumers with a user-friendly, quick and easily-accessible tool to hold businesses to account when they engage in dodgy business practices.

  • Disclaimer

    Let’s be clear: anyone can list any business on Dodgy Business. We do our best to ensure that evidence are submitted along with the complaint at the time of submission. We have no means of determining whether a lister is 100% genuine in his/her claim. It is entirely up to you to make your own judgement about the submissions that are on this site.

  • However, we want to make it known to everyone that it is Unlawful to make a false declaration about anyone. You could be sued for defamation if you make a false statement about someone.

  • We suggest that you do not include personal details about people who have provided a bad product or service. Try to stick to the facts and only mention the business name.

  • No responsibility will be taken by Dodgy Business for any legal repercussions that may arise from posting on this site. The views expressed on this site are those of the individual listers and are not necessarily those of Dodgy Business.

You too, might have had a bad experience with a business. Why should you list it here?

Seven reasons why you should list a business here! Read Why List a Business!