How bad is it to listed on Dodgy Business?
Please take your customers’ concerns seriously enough to respond, address them and try to reach a satisfactory resolution. We understand that sometimes an employee makes a bad call or sometimes a product is defective. Customers can get the wrong impression, thinking that a one-off bad experience is representative of the business as a whole. When a business takes these situations seriously, they show that they care.
You are strongly advised to take advantage of the “Response” option on the Dodgy Businesswebsite. This option is made available specifically to the listee so that they can tell their side of the story and allow consumers to receive a balanced account.
> When someone Googles you, your listing on Dodgy Business will appear in the search result
Thousands of Kiwis search the internet every day. When someone is looking for you on Google and sees that you’re listed on Dodgy Business, they may choose not to do business with you. Nowadays, “word of mouth” is replaced with a Google search. Here’s something to consider: what happens when your company is Googled?
> Anyone who visits Dodgy Business will be able to see whether or not you have been listed and why
Everyone has 24/7 Free access to all listings. So, before you do business with someone, check out our website to see if anyone has had a bad experience with them. It might save you a lot of trouble if you avoid a business that’s already been listed on Dodgy Business. Would you buy a business without checking its reputation, service, and product quality?
> You may ignore it. Unfortunately, negative publicity is like a virus that continues to spread
Negative publicity can have a disastrous effect on businesses. Being listed on Dodgy Business gives your business a bad name and makes customers hesitate to do business with you. Let’s face it: bad publicity is never welcome. However, a company’s response to negative publicity is critical to consumers’ attitudes toward the business and the brand. If you’ve been listed, you need to do something to resolve the problem before it gets worse.
> More people are told about your listing on Dodgy Business than you may think
Every time a new listing is received, an email is automatically sent to our subscribers interested in being informed about new complaints. Your business name and the complaint will be featured in those email notifications. Who knows which inbox they might be forwarded to?
Respond now to a complaint that was made about you